The best bedroom color for a good night's sleep

It is said that the color of your room can affect your mood. So which color your bedroom needs to be painted? Let's find out!

First, your bedroom should be calm and restful. But it often becomes a place of so many stuff like iPhone buzzes, laptop clicks, or TV hums. So fill your bedroom with blue color.

Paint it blue.

Blue color promotes feelings of peace and serenity. It can make your room seem to be bigger and more spacious. Shades of blue have also been shown to lower blood pressure. In the 2013 study by Travelodge, people slept longer in a blue bedroom than in bedrooms of other colors.

You can combine different level of blue shades, from light to mid-range shades (to add some warmth to your bedroom) or light gray (to keep your room cool as well)

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